Saturday, February 20, 2010

Landen and Carter

I really don't think that this kid could be anymore like his daddy. Lately all he wants to do is play dad's real electric guitar, watch and play basketball, or listen to Dave Matthew's Band. That's right, his favorite song is a Dave song. In fact, last night, I checked on the Jazz game (Rob was at work) and when I changed the channel I was immediately yelled at. How dare I change the channel! So, we watched a little more of the game.

Also, for those of you that don't know, we have known for about two months now that Carter will be born with a bilateral cleft lip. We are pretty sure that there is at least a unilateral cleft in his palate, but we will not know for sure until he is born. In the mean time we are preparing and deciding on a surgeon.
For those of you that don't really understand what clefts are and what they look like, a great site to go to is: There is great info at that site. The baby that is front and center on the blog is what Carter will probably look like. But again there is no way to tell until he gets here.
The really good news we got yesterday at our ultrasound is that everything else looks normal and he is growing perfectly. There is nothing else wrong with our little Carter which was a concern for a while. The doctor told us to expect a perfectly healthy baby!